We Secure
The lock on your industrial environment
Our security approach makes your operations manageable

Securing what’s critical
Security is necessary to protect your business, appliances and machinery. But good is not good enough. e-BO security solutions are specifically designed to do better than what the market offers today. Expect a complete end-to-end package for securing your organization.
With cybersecurity and physical protection, your people, assets and data are truly protected. Manageable, affordable and ultra-secure.
We Secure
Physical Safety & Security Systems
Industrial Cybersecurity
What about your challenges?
Connectivity, security or integration ... in e-BO you will find an IT partner with expertise and experience.
We are delivering trust for your critical business.

We connect
Devices of your users connect smoothly. Critical applications are always available. People and machines are optimally connected. All tailored to your business. You have this certainty with the proven technologies of e-BO tailored to offshore, industry, energy, healthcare and other sectors. Scalable and 100% secure.

We integrate
Data is the new oil. And it's just about everywhere in your organization. e-BO connects, integrates and makes IT, OT and other software talk so that your business benefits. Like with virtual machines in the Cloud, for example, or with OSS-in-a box - the digital heart for offshore substations.